Australia Traffic & Labour
A purposeful new identity for an inclusive and socially driven industry leader.
You'll see the people of Australian Traffic and Labour everywhere from film production sets to the sites of major road and infrastructure projects, which often sprawl across vast areas looking like science fiction visions of interstellar terraforming.
Our new name and identity for ATL draws upon notions of the technology and capability it takes to safely and efficiently manage such complexity and scale.
It's a vision of traffic, signage, lights and people.
All of the lights. Our work for ATL owes as much to city grids as it does to large LED and safety signage on busy highways.
Bold impact is great for brand recognition (especially in the context of traffic projects) but it also has the greater purpose of elevating the safety of both staff and public.

From little things. We expanded the logotype to become an entire custom typeface named Labour Condensed Rounded.
A palette that moves beyond traditional traffic safety, becoming a contemporary Australian suite that reflects ATL's culture and people.

In application, this visual language lends itself to a broad range of media.
Anything from animation to infographic can be created as a custom brand expression.